Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fourteenth Birthday............Again!

I know it is a strange title but I will explain. When we were in China last December we were a little surprised to see that Selah's birth date was different on her personal social media account than what we had been told. Although she denied it was anything but the "official" date, we had our very strong suspicions that her QQ account was more accurate. 

After months of the secret we have confirmation that her actual birth date is November 24, 2000. Even though we had a very small poor excuse for a birthday celebration while in China, we had another 14th birthday one week ago.

At first Selah was not very happy that we discovered her secret. We waited a few months before pursuing the subject. Jeremy hunted and searched down some people from her first orphanage. Two months ago he finally found and  contacted one of the nannies from Selah's first orphanage. She did not speak English but her daughter was visiting at the time and she was happy to share Selah's story with us. Selah asked us what China would say and was definitely unhappy about a party. We clearly understand she was aware of her actual birthday but was told not to say anything to anyone. She was scared.

Selah's history is not what her paperwork states. In fact, Jeremy and I have both shed tears over what we learned. But it was confirmed to us by from three people that her birthday was definitely not January 4, 2000. Selah was brought to the orphanage the day she was born. There is no doubt that her birthday is November 24th.

We invited several friends of ours and our other kids from church (all girls).  Selah was struggling with the entire idea of a party for her. However we pressed on. We only had three girls not able to make it! We had 14 kids here. Pizza, chips, pop, cake, and ice cream were on the menu. Then a movie. She had so much fun at her very first birthday celebration! 

Her cake made by a friend, Hannah, in youth group.
First time to blow out candles.
It took three tries.
Let's eat!
Typically when given a gift in China you never open it in front of the giver. This was a tough one for her.
Trying to hold in the laugh.
More joy!
Something was funny.
Movie time with all of the kids.
Our birthday celebration on Monday. New clothes.
She does love Olaf. So why not?
She needed a new dressy coat. I think she liked it!
Of course, Mariah had to try too.
The day of her party was terrific. It has been difficult ever since. I am thankful that she could at least let go of some of the pain and hurt she has experienced and allow herself to have fun if only for a few hours.

She had her very first birthday cake!

She opened her very first birthday presents!

She smiled and had so much fun!

We pray that she will allow us to share in her life. We also pray that she can accept the unconditional love that our family is pouring into her each and every day. 

Selah, if you only had any idea how much we desperately love you.......

We pray that God will give you the peace in your heart that He desires. We see glimpses of the woman God has designed you to be. We pray that you will allow God to work a miracle in your life. That is our prayer.

As we watch and experience the daily struggles here at home we are reminded often of Bible verses. This verse is what we also pray for our new daughter. Our hearts break as we watch her struggle. We would appreciate your prayers for our family. 

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 

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